Fantasy Robot Combat Wiki

Angry Goat Robotics is a fantasy robotics team lead by Gabe Hopp. That's right, I spend my free time pretending I have the money and ability to build combat robots. It came into being in early September, and has been not overly terrible ever since.

My robots aren't terribly original, but they're fun to strategize for which is the important thing :v

Currently a relatively short history:
Gabe was drawn into fantasy combat robotics by the /r/Hammerfall Robotics Competition, in which his first robot, Chimera was entered. It was... okay... overall, making up for its design flaws with good strategy. Excited by moderate early-on success, he decided to enter in Ruination: the Contagion. as it turns out, some of the team's designs weren't exactly terrible (except for Angry Goat. Do not talk about Angry Goat.). still, I'm a rookie with a winning record. could be worse.
Angry Goat Robotics is currently entered in FRR: Backlash with Venice Queen, Tanngrisnir and Tanngnjóstr, Chimera V2, and Khnum.