Fantasy Robot Combat Wiki
Malevolence III
Team Information
Team Team Ignition
Robot Statistics
Weapons Spinning shell

Robot statistics correct as of its most recent competition


Malevolence II, its most successful iteration

Malevolence is a line of heavyweight robots owned by Team Ignition. The first Malevolence featured a pneumatic hammer weapon inspired by Terrorhurtz, but it was scrapped after doing poorly and replaced with an overhead spinning bar. This version of Malevolence made it to the semi-finals of Crazy Bots: Blazing Ruin, where it placed fourth.

The current version of Malevolence features a spinning shell with the motor mounted on top. This means the shell can be incredibly low to the ground, and features four low undercutting teeth to capitalize on this. This version was entered into FRR: No Mercy where it went 5-6.