Fantasy Robot Combat Wiki
Zombie Killer
Null zps702649af
Zombie Killer's most recent incarnation
Team Information
Team Team Blood Gulch
Robot Statistics
Weapons Hinged wedge, rear plow.

Robot statistics correct as of its most recent competition

Zombie Killer is a Lightweight rambot under ownership of NWOWWE of Team Blood Gulch. It currently is the robot with the highest total number of wins to date, with 48. Its previous incarnation was no less deadly, earning a championship in ARC: Redemption. A running gag during ARC: Reckoning was it being stuck on the flat sides it had at the time, causing it to be knocked out. Despite this, it is still a legend and a fearsome presence in its own right.


Second version of Zombie Killer


The third version of Zombie Killer


One of the numerous times Zombie Killer got stuck on its side in ARC: Reckoning.